About Us

Leading all generations to live in the peace of christ.

about shiloh terrace baptist church dallas texas

Our Mission

We believe in leading all generations to live in the peace of Christ.


We desire to be a church of humble, generous, authentic people, for those who are far from God.


How we do this is through practicing rhythms of prayer, time, worship, and relationships. 


This year we will be making focused investments into what we call “Three Lanes” of ministry. These lanes are: Generations, Teams, and Front Door.


We invest into all generations as we lead them to live in the peace of Christ. What that looks like is making sure we instill a culture of disciple making for adults, families, kids, and students. This includes updating our kids & student ministry facilities for future generations.

Front Door

We value hospitality toward all people who walk through our doors. This is why we want to invest in making sure our guests feel they are valued as they navigate our campus in-person or online. We desire to model the way Jesus engaged people with the love and hope of the gospel that leads to community. Like Jesus, our primary calling is intimacy with God, every other relationship and ministry flows from this.


We value teams because they make Sundays & Wednesdays happen. This includes helping people find a parking spot to welcoming first-time guests, from praying for people to brewing coffee. It's the easiest way to get plugged into church and find community!


Leading All Generations to live in the peace of christ