STBC is a family of followers of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. You can become a member of the Shiloh Terrace family in one of four ways:
Ask Jesus Christ to take control of your life as Savior and Lord (become a Christian) and be baptized by immersion (dunked in a pool of water) in our church as a sign of your faith in Christ.
If you have already asked Jesus to be your Lord, but have not been baptized by immersion, you would join by baptism.
If you have already asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord and have been baptized by immersion in another church, you would join by transfer of membership. If the church where you were baptized was a Baptist church, you would join by "promise of letter" which simply means you are moving your membership from them to us. If the church where you were baptized is not a Baptist church, you would join by "statement of faith" which simply means you generally agree with what we believe as Baptists.
If you have trusted in Christ for salvation and have been baptized by immersion but never joined a church or are unsure where your membership is, you would join our church by "statement of faith."