
The worsip ministry at shiloh terrace baptist church


The worship ministry of Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church exists to glorify God through music and singing. From our adult choir, praise team and People of Praise Singers, there’s a place for everyone. If you would like to learn more or get involved, please contact us.

Adult Choir

Our adult choir is an outstanding group of singers who love to serve the Lord and each other. There is no audition necessary. We strive for excellence and our hope is for all to experience meaningful worship. This Choir sings in the Sunday service and does seasonal presentations throughout the year.

Praise Team

Our Praise Team leads with our worship choir at the Sunday service at 10:15 a.m. It consists of instrumentalists and singers who have a heart for God and desire to lead worship as a team. Anyone who desires to be a part of this team must go through an interview process with our worship pastor. Our desire is for each person on the praise team to have a heart for the Lord, a positive attitude, be able to read music or learn quickly by listening, and of course be faithful to rehearsals.

People of Praise Singers

This choir is open to all senior adults (age 55 and up), who have a servant spirit and are willing to make a “Joyful Noise” unto the Lord! It is a very vibrant and active group of people that love to sing to the Lord.